Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Jake's Valentines

Saw the first idea somewhere on 2peas I think and thought it was adorable. When I am done, they will actually have real suckers in his hand, after I slit holes in the cards. He's getting to an age where I can't do some of the cutesy stuff I used to do with him, so I thought this was enough that he could still save face in the second grade,lol. The second was his idea. He loves Bionicles. I have no idea what I meant by Hope your Valentines Day is Bionicle...I couldnt think of anything else,lol. The child is absolutely obsessed with these Lego creatures. I bought him a Bionicle Encyclopedia for Christmas and he reads the thing for hours at a time. I probably should read it here and there too so I know what he's talking about when he throws things at me like Metro Nui, Takadox, Toa Inika, I can't believe I even know how to spell these things. Do you know how HARD it is to listen to him babbling endlessly about these things and pretend to be as entranced as he thinks I should be? I am glad that he is interested in something....even when its made of 100 tiny little parts and you are constantly stepping on said parts and when one part gets lost its like the end of the world has arrived. God help me...He FINALLY has found someone who loves Bionicles almost as much as he does much to my delight. Right before Christmas break, I decided to switch him to a different elementary. It has proven to be the best decision I could have ever made. He loves his new school and teachers. Best of all, he has a new buddy in the same program that he is in and coincidentally they both share a love of Bionicles. His teachers tell me its the greatest thing to watch the pair together, like 2 peas in a pod. You have NO idea how wonderful it is to hear that. He rides the bus home with his buddy, and they play Bionicles on the way...
anyway...carry on :D


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