what God will show you when you are listening and paying attention. I just finished up at a conference this weekend for a ministry on Creative Worship and Release. I really needed it too. I didn't know I did until I was there,lol. I have had my plate so full since I went full time-and I am in no way complaining, but I think that when you start doing what you love full time for money, its easy to lose the part you love a long the way. I started out Thursday evening, just to show up and snap some pictures of people worshiping, and then I realized there was a much bigger reason for me to be there. That I just needed to let it go and just let my camera do what it wanted to do, and not worry about blurry pictures, overexposure, whatever, just take pictures because I love to take pictures. I captured a couple of images I immediately fell in love with and became obsessed with the next couple of days. I ended up going home last night, and painting it out, something I havent done in awhile. Theres something to be said about being in a room full of other artists. Its like a hunger, and I remember being a teen and having that hunger a lot, and just letting myself paint it out or draw it out. What happens to us as adults, that we feel like we can longer do that anymore? Thats pretty much what the conference was about. One of the guests was a woman named Suzy (picture above). She is an amazing person, she and her husband have their own ministry
http://holyspiritadventures.org/ If you are spiritual at all, being around her, you cannot help but be moved in some way. Anyway, just wanted to share. I have NOT dropped off the face of the earth, just taking a wee little break :D